Download Introduction to Enterprise & Model Risk Management by Hicham (.ePUB)

Introduction to Enterprise & Model Risk Management by Hicham, Mohamed Ibnalkadi
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: The motivation behind this series is the need to establish a thorough and complete MBA coursework, following the core and elective courses of prestigious institutions like Wharton and Harvard’s Business Schools. With this self-motivated study of the MBA curriculum, students and professionals can tailor their MBA according to their interests and need. Thus, embarking on this self-study MBA coursework rather than a traditional, costly, and lengthy MBA degree program is worth the time.

MBA degree programs are very costly, although the skill boost associated is worth acquiring. Thus, as a part of the MBA coursework series, the following book helps the students learn the basic strategies and rules associated with The Writing Process. This book does not attempt to provide a self-contained discussion of rules of Writing. Instead is a decent introduction to writing rules and strategies courses used in top MBA programs. Further, the introductory is stemmed from our professional experience.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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