Download Interview with Death by V. K. Pasanen (.ePUB)

Interview with Death by V. K. Pasanen (Tales from the Afterworld Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 332 kb
Overview: A man on the edge. A message from Death. A chance to change his life forever.

Nathan Miller is haunted by loss and obsessed with a vision of Death who passed him for someone else. A nightmare that follows inspires an essay about an interview the Grim Reaper who appears as a Man in Black.

Years pass and Nathan is living the dream. He is a war correspondent and a bestselling author at the pinnacle of success with the perfect wife and family. And thanks to the Man in Black, he’s indestructible (or so it seems).

But Nathan’s world is built on lies and regret.

Consumed by guilt, Nathan seeks solace in a devilish guardian angel, only to spiral down a rabbit hole of addiction. At rock bottom, he’s faced with a choice and a job offer from the Man in Black.

Will Nathan survive his Interview with Death? And if so, will he accept what Death has offered knowing the Burden that comes with the job?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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