Download Instant Passion by The INSTANT-Series (.MP3)

Instant Passion by The INSTANT-Series
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 16.0 MB
Overview: How to Find Your Passion in Life Instantly!Do you feel like your life is meaningless?What is the purpose of life anyway? Actually…what is the purpose of YOUR life? What is your biggest drive? What do you want most out of it?If you don’t know the answers, then you lack passion in life, or simply don’t know what your passion is.What is your passion?It’s what makes you get up every morning, ready to tackle the world for whatever life has to throw at you. It’s what pushes you through tough times when everything else around you is falling apart, to get back on your feet again. It’s what gets you excited all over again when you have lost your way, to keep going no matter what.Your passion is a very personal emotional thing; it’s innate. It’s all your “wants” and “wishes” to make you feel fulfilled and accomplished.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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