Download Inspired By Her by Lauren Hart (.ePUB)

Inspired By Her: A Lesbian Romance by Lauren Hart
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 247 KB
Overview: A friends to lovers lesbian romance between an aspiring artist and her muse. All it takes is a chance encounter with the ethereal beauty, Hailey, to bring love & inspiration into Brooke’s world.

Brooke, a student in her last semester of her Fine Arts degree, is stressed about her upcoming final exhibition. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her to showcase her talent to some of the most influential people in the art world. She has reached a dead-end with ideas… until she lays eyes on a woman, Hailey, so spectacularly beautiful and mesmerizing that Brooke is instantly filled with inspiration for her final project.

Brooke’s thoughts are consumed with images of Hailey on her blank canvas. By appearances alone, Hailey seems to have had a privileged life. As her and Brooke’s friendship develops, Brooke soon realizes that Hailey’s life has been nowhere near as easy as it appears. Yet through life’s hardships, she retains the gentleness and grace of a real-life angel.

Brooke’s live-in girlfriend, Claire, has little by little isolated Brooke from friends and treated her with far less love and respect than she deserves. The final straw is a move by Claire so cunning that it forces Brooke to see she has no future with the woman whom she should trust the most.

At first, Brooke believes her magnetism to Hailey is simply a case of wanting to be the cool girl’s friend. But soon, Brooke realizes it is more about the comfort and support she feels when in Hailey’s presence.

Will Brooke be able to work through the end of an unhealthy relationship in order to accept the love and support that she deserves?
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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