Download Inside Lucifer’s War by Byron J. Smith (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Inside Lucifer’s War by Byron J. Smith
Requirements: Epub & Mobi Reader, 962kb
Overview: Lucifer is handing him the world on a silver platter-unimaginable power and wealth. A chance to change history for all time. His personal dream. But at what ultimate sacrifice? Dr. Thomas Fields, renowned writer, political science professor, and champion of atheism, awakes in the horrifying presence of Lucifer- Satan himself-and his despicable disciples. And life as Thomas has known it ceases to exist. Lucifer has a master plan for Thomas, but first he must force Thomas to worship him alone. So he burns his Satanic mark into Thomas’s wrist, showing that Thomas belongs to him. Suddenly Thomas lands in the midst of the Principal-a secret organization dedicated to controlling the world under the guise of creating “peace.” Comprised of top government officials, business moguls, foremost leaders in education and other areas of society, the Principal’s true mission is to crush Christianity and its followers. But they need Dr. Fields to accomplish their mission. Thomas’s friends Mike and his sister Stacie refuse to leave Thomas’s future in Lucifer’s grip. Devout Christians, they exhibit extraordinary faith and courage to help Thomas grasp the grace of Jesus and do battle with Lucifer and the Principal-a cosmic battle of spiritual forces. That ultimate battle could cost the lives of the friends Thomas loves and ultimately all Christians. A riveting story of spiritual fiction…or is it? What if it’s really true? You decide.
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Mystery


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