Download Insanity Series by Andre Gonzalez (.ePUB)

Insanity Series by Andre Gonzalez (#1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 765 KB | 391 KB
Overview: Born in Denver, CO, Andre Gonzalez has always had a fascination with horror and the supernatural starting at a young age. He spent many nights wide-eyed and awake, his mind racing with the many images of terror he witnessed in books and movies. Ideas of his own morphed out of movies like Halloween and books such as Pet Sematary by Stephen King. These thoughts eventually made their way to paper, as he always wrote dark stories for school assignments or just for fun. Followed Home is his debut novel based off of a terrifying dream he had many years ago at the age of 12. His reading and writing of horror stories evolved into a pursuit of a career as an author, where Andre hopes to keep others awake at night with his frightening tales. The world we live in today is filled with horror stories, and he looks forward to capturing the raw emotion of these events, twisting them into new tales, and preserving a legacy in between the crisp bindings of novels.
Genre: Psychological Thrillers

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Insanity (#1)
Jeremy Heston lives a typical American life. He works a part time job, attends college, and dreams for the future. When he graduates and is thrust into the workforce, he quickly learns that dreams are merely far-fetched fantasies.

His first corporate job doesn’t work out, and during this time his mentor, Dr. Siva, reveals a problem ignored by society: mental health. Jeremy grows obsessed with finding ways to shed light on mental illness. His idea is drastic and disturbing, so much that he decides his experiment is not feasible.

Yet once again, the corporate world reveals its ugly teeth. As he struggles to balance relationships, job responsibilities, and school work, he finally caves to the pressures of life. With everything spiraling out of control, Jeremy decides to carry out his experiment to save those that have long been shunned by society, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction.

The Burden (#2)
Who will prevail…justice or a twisted experiment?
The time has come for Jeremy Heston to face the music for his violent actions. After executing one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history, Jeremy’s experiment moves forward to the next planned phase: the courtroom.

What should be an easy case for the district attorney to obtain the death penalty turns out to be an uphill battle. Behind the scenes, a mystery person sends secret money to Jeremy’s parents to cover steep legal fees, delivers confidential information to the defense team, and attempts to rattle the jury.

During the trial, Jeremy learns more about his personal state of mind than he had ever known. With the odds stacked against his life, all he can do is sit back and watch as strangers clash over his fate toward a dramatic outcome.

Download Instructions:
Insanity (#1)

The Burden (#2)

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