Download Infestation series by Nathan A. Smith (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Infestation series by Nathan A. Smith (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB or .MOBI Reader, 596 Kb
Overview: Nathan A Smith was born in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada in 1985. For years he has written stories and books which he never tried to publish. His first book, "Infestation Iowa" was published to see how well his zombie series would do. The response was amazing. Within the first week over 300 copies were thrust into the world with positive reviews received from all over.
Genre: Horror | Zombies

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Infestation Iowa: A Zombie Survival Series (Book 1)
Follow David as he survives the beginning of a zombie apocalypse in the small town of Lone Tree, Iowa. Humor, romance, action, and horror will grip you as David struggles with a new way of life. Along the way he will meet new people, lose old friends, and overcome an overwhelming enemy. Discover the dark truth behind how the infestation began.

Infestation Chicago: A Zombie Survival Series (Book 2)
Follow David once again, this time as he travels to Chicago, Illinois. Tensions are high and hope is fading fast as the group meets new people while facing a new enemy, The Corporal.

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