Download Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy by Antonis Mavropoulos (.ePUB)

Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy: Towards a Wasteless Future or a Wasteful Planet? (International Solid Waste Association) by Antonis Mavropoulos, Anders Waage Nilsen
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 20 MB
Overview: How the marriage of Industry 4.0 and the Circular Economy can radically transform waste management—and our world

Do we really have to make a choice between a wasteless and nonproductive world or a wasteful and ultimately self-destructive one? Futurist and world-renowned waste management scientist Antonis Mavropoulos and sustainable business developer and digital strategist Anders Nilsen respond with a ringing and optimistic “No!” They explore the Earth-changing potential of a happy (and wasteless) marriage between Industry 4.0 and a Circular Economy that could—with properly reshaped waste management practices—deliver transformative environmental, health, and societal benefits. This book is about the possibility of a brand-new world and the challenges to achieve it.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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