Download In The Shadow by JL Madore (.ePUB)

In The Shadow by JL Madore (Episode 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 149 kb
Overview: Danika Glass grew up feeling more connected to the past than to real life. With her gift of Psychometry, touching antiques allows her to witness glimpses of history unfolding first hand. A successful relic hunter and thief, when Danika touches a rare Roman coin, she is suddenly not seeing history but living it.

Hurled back in time to Rome, 79 AD, Danika realizes that the coin’s energy is gone and she is trapped. Catapulted into the intrigues of politics, soldiers, and spies, she walks the dangerous line between convincing her captors of the coming danger and making herself a target. With time ticking, these violent men of the past threaten to not only claim her body and her life . . . but also her heart. For here, Quintus Porcius Magnus, the Praetorian guard tasked to discover her truths, shows her a level of loyalty so foreign to her that when faced with a choice, Danika is torn between two vastly different paths—one of safety and the other of desire.
Genre: Romance


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