Download In Search of Destiny by Edith Hathaway (.ePUB)

In Search of Destiny: Biography, History & Culture As Told Through Vedic Astrology by Edith Hathaway
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 6.4MB
Overview: Called a “path breaker” among astrology books, with original research and in-depth coverage, the author combines non-technical and technical material very effectively in a compelling narrative. This book contains a riveting choice of biographies and historical, cultural events that illuminate both individual AND collective destinies. When Vedic astrology – the astrology of India – is combined with biography, history, politics, the arts and culture, a key missing component is provided to all of the above.
In Search of Destiny is for astrologers, astrology students as well as for the layperson. The only criterion is an interest and openness to astrology. Find out how the planets affect individuals and whole nations and societies, and how the chart of a national leader is never separate from the nation ruled – for as long as he or she is in power. An extensive glossary, footnotes and index help the reader to navigate through the wide-ranging information provided in this book. For the novice, Chapter 2 provides a succinct summary of Vedic astrology and philosophy. Vedic charts are presented in both North and South Indian format, with the lifetime planetary cycles of the Vimshottari Dasha system – for which Vedic astrology is so famous. Any astrologer will benefit from the depth of research done here, and the layperson will find this a user-friendly book that broadens the horizons.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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