Download In Love and In Danger by Susan Leigh Carlton (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

In Love and In Danger by Susan Leigh Carlton (Loving #3)
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 226 Kb
Overview: The world stopped spinning for Rebecca Turner when an Army notifications team rang her doorbell in April, 2012. They had come to notify her of the death of her husband, Captain Jason Turner, killed when an IED exploded under his HUMVEE in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.
In a daze, Rebecca packed her belongings and moved back to her home in Rossville, Illinois. She moved into the home she and her Jason had planned to share when he left the Army. Using some of the benefits she received as an Army widow, she purchased an antique shop in her hometown. The antique shop is just beginning to show a profit when she unknowingly lands in the middle of a drug smuggling operation.
She was shoved in front of a speeding car by one of the smugglers and was staring death in the face when an FBI agent dove at her and knocked her out of the path of the car. The agent, Matt Ward was working the drug case when he saved Rebecca’s life. There was an instant attraction between them….
Genre: Romantic Suspense


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