Download In Legend Forged Series by Luna Fox, F. Lowberry (.ePUB)

In Legend Forged Series by Luna Fox, F. Lowberry (1-2)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 1 MB
Overview:She lives in Quebec, Canada with her cat, a bear and a dragon
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Dawn of Destiny – Three years ago… Their parents died in a brutal attack. A stroke of bad luck. That’s what they’ve been told. But on the night of Archie’s fifteenth birthday, and the anniversary of their parents’ death, their house is attacked by dreadful creatures, part man, part owl. And a strange man with a sword comes to their rescue.
That was the day Iris and Archie Pender met their destiny

2. Noon of Destiny – In the five months since their arrival at Avalon, Iris and Archie have dedicated themselves to their studies of sigil magic, swordplay, and survival. Despite the time elapsed, their new life amidst the New Knights of the Round still seems like something out of a fairytale–a polar opposite to their life after their parents’ passing.
As they come to terms with their new reality, an order is given for them to take the next step in their training as Knights. Sir Lancel and Lady Gwyn bring the kids to the Black Forest in Germany, with the instruction that they must spend a full day in the wilderness.
But things don’t quite go according to plans…

Download Instructions:
1. Dawn of Destiny

2. Noon of Destiny

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