Download In Her Sights by Charley Colins (Keri Ford) (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

In Her Sights (Lexie Olympia #1) by Charley Colins (Keri Ford)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 625 KB
Overview: Some call her a killer.

Others call her a hero.

Lexie Olympia calls herself neither. She’s getting the job done because she can. A beloved philanthropist by day who’s nicknamed Melville’s Sweetheart, Lexie has the city wrapped around her little finger. Having been a victim in the past, left behind with the killer still on the loose, Lexie knows what it’s like to live with that fear. Instead of biting her nails over it, she takes action. Drug lords, gang leaders, con artists, kidnappers, serial killers, anyone who leaves behind innocent victims are marked on Lexie’s list.

When a neighbor leaves a stolen ancient dagger on her doorstep and skips town, Lexie’s left picking up the pieces. The police, a local private investigator, and a gang are all after this artifact and Lexie uses her nighttime persona, Artemis, to get to the bottom of things. Everything is going smoothly until she gets caught.

96,000-words of Mystery Romance
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > Romance > Women Sleuths > Adventure


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