Download Immortal Supers by Kurtis Eckstein (.ePUB)

Immortal Supers by Kurtis Eckstein (Books 1 & 5)
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Overview: Kurtis Eckstein is a huge fan of coffee, books, and anime. He first started writing stories in high school, but didn’t get serious about it until over ten years later when he was working on his graduate degree. That’s when his interest in writing short-stories turned into a full-blown hobby with the publication of his first fiction book, The Keras Genome. Now, with the addition of Demon Seer and Omega Squad, he is one step closer to creating a huge selection of stories for people to enjoy.
Kurtis is also the husband to a wonderful wife, and the father to a beautiful little girl.
Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


1. The Daily Struggles of an Immortal
In a world where almost everyone has a superpower, Sam Archer finds himself with one of the most useless abilities of all – immortality. Sure, he can’t die, but he sure as hell can’t fight back either. If anything, the incapacity to die has turned out to be a hassle for Sam, with ridiculous requests for obnoxious favors being a primary concern. However, his coworker Lily Dodson is about to make his life a lot more interesting with her unique proposal.

5. The Dark Secrets of an Immortal
New relationships continue to strengthen as Sam and his family are yet again confronted with stressful challenges and unexpected dangers, finding themselves faced with a multitude of dark secrets they never anticipated.
And not all those secrets are far from home.
As Sam discovers more about the women in his life, he finds himself dealing with important decisions that affect them all, knowing the outcomes of those choices will have permanent influences on their lives forever.
Can they accept the regrets of those they love, and meet the trials lying ahead of them?
And when they are faced with the darkest secrets of all, can they remain united to face them together as one?

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