Download Immersion Online (Books 1 – 4) Complete Series by Evan Klein (.ePUB)

Immersion Online (Books 1 – 4): The Complete Series by Evan Klein
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1 MB
Overview: My name is Charlie Mason, but everyone just calls me Mace. I was a detective – and a damn good one – for the Special Crimes Unit for nearly twenty years before I was forced to retire. Unfortunately, my pension wasn’t going to be enough to pay for my daughter’s college, so I went to work for the Immersion Online, the hottest virtual reality game in the world, as an in game Constable.

I’ll admit it! I knew squat about video games, leveling up, and strategies to max out my character’s skills. What I did know, however, was how to solve crimes!

The crimes should have been no big deal – just part of quest lines. Regrettably, the ones I had to deal with were just as challenging as the ones I had faced as detective: tracking down the location of the most famous avatar in the game; battling fanatics who wanted to kick the players from the game for good; hunting a serial killer whose murders spread to the real world; to finally having to figure out how all of these pieces fit together.

What these criminals didn’t know was that me and my team – my deputy Tinsie, my golem Buddy, and my virtual assistant Havervill – were on the case! And we wouldn’t stop until the guilty had been brought to justice.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy LitRPG


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