Download If You’ve Got It, Haunt It by Steffanie Holmes (.ePUB)

If You’ve Got It, Haunt It by Steffanie Holmes (Grimdale Graveyard Mysteries Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 615 kB
Overview: Nothing is permanent. Not even death.
I’m Bree Mortimer, and I can bring ghosts back to life.
The hot-as-Hades Roman Centurion in my bedroom is living proof that I can raise the dead. Now all I have to do is stop him swimming naked in the duck pond and trying to stab anyone with a man bun, and my life will be perfect.

Hah. That’s a joke. My life is a spooktacular failure. I’ve got two ghostly lovers who are desperate for me to bring them back, too, but if I don’t figure out how to control my new magical powers, there could be grave consequences.

And that’s going to be difficult since the only person who can help me was ripped to pieces by a monster who can’t possibly be human. Some dark power is after resurrection magic, and if I don’t figure out how to stop it, I’m next.

Luckily, with a sword-wielding psychotic ex-ghost, a sarcastic royal rake, a cinnamon roll Victorian gentleman, a sadistic bat, a vampire-slaying bookshop owner, and the village undertaker on my side, I stand a ghost of a chance. Right?
Genre: Parnormal Fantasy


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