Download Icor Tales (#1-2) by Andrew Bathgate (.ePUB)

Icor Tales by Andrew Bathgate (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 760 KB
Overview: Andrew was trained in computer counter espionage by British Military Intelligence during the cold war and uses his skills as an Ethical Hacker and Cyber Security consultant. He is deeply philosophical, Christian and inspired by Eastern Religions. Born in Scotland, he grew up in Iran, England and Wales and currently lives with his wife and two Children in California.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. They Came By Night
1500 years after the fall of the ancients with their science, humanity now lives with medieval technology and with a magic provided by an artifact of the ancients called icor. Sam, a malnourished peasant farm boy is marshalled into a militia to fight against the northern barbarians led by their latest chief, the wizard Unmind. A mighty clash of wizards and their armies is inevitable.

2. In The Hall of the Ancients
1500 years after the fall of the ancients with their science a medieval style civilization has arisen amid a new power made possible by the last invention of science… magic. This action packed epic fantasy series continues where the first book ended. New evils arise to join old ones. New wars must be fought. New alliances must be made. New kinds of magical creatures join forces to support or to oppose the destruction of humanity.

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