Download Ian Dury: The Definitive Biography by Will Birch (.ePUB)

Ian Dury: The Definitive Biography by Will Birch
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.6MB
Overview: Widely described as ‘punk’s poet laureate’, Ian Dury is a cultural icon. With his band The Blockheads, he exploded onto the television screen in 1978, appearing on “Top of the Pops” with his hit single ‘What a Waste’, followed later that year by ‘Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick’.

By now Ian was thirty-six and had worked hard for many years to reach this moment, struggling all the while to find acceptance inspite of the disability he suffered as a result of childhood polio. And yet fame, when it came, almost destroyed him. This groundbreaking and authoritative book gives the first in-depth and compelling account of the life of this charismatic yet complex artist.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography


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