Download I Bought a Spaceship 2 by Douglas Michaels (.ePUB)

I Bought a Spaceship 2 by Douglas Michaels
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 287 kB
Overview: On the run from the Star Republic and the Montelabras corporation, Captain Jack and the Carina have to lay low in the outer rim of the galaxy. Avoiding the corrupt government, corporate goons, and the various bounty hunters who are lured in by the massive price tag on Jack’s head won’t be so easy when there are eyes and ear everywhere.

No matter which forgotten rim world Captain Jack chooses to hide on, he’s going to find trouble. He just has to hope the trouble he finds is less dangerous than the trouble trying to find him, or Carina will be looking for a new captain.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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