Download Humble Beginnings by Andrew Karevik (.MP3)

Humble Beginnings by Andrew Karevik (Village Manager #1)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 313 MB
Overview: I guess trying to catch the bus with your laces undone isn’t such a smart decision after all…
One fatal collision later, and I’m facing my judgment. As it turns out, I’ve been a lazy sob, and my short, uneventful life of playing games and getting up late wasn’t worth much. And so I don’t qualify to move on to the afterlife.
I try to argue to the goddess in front of me that I do have skills, that it was hard work playing those simulation and management games. But she will not concede.
In the end, I manage to get the benefit of the doubt, and a wager is made. To test my claims, I’ll be sent to a desolate, Level 1 village with the mission to make it thrive. If I fail or die, the goddess will bring me back to my old life, back to the drudge of working at the grocery store.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


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