Download Hugh: A Hero without a Novel by David Lawrence (.ePUB)

Hugh: A Hero without a Novel by David Lawrence
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: From an old family trunk comes a manuscript which never saw the light of day. Its pages tell of a young man awakening to himself, his sexuality, and his world, in this love letter to the era of Tom Jones.

The slightly spoiled, slightly poetical, slightly absurd son of an ambitious baronet, Hugh Entwistle possesses the wealth and connections to make him a success in Georgian England. But before pursuing a sinecure in the military, he will spend the summer of 1768 at his country estate – far from the turmoil in London this politically volatile year.

Only to discover a deeper, more profound turmoil within himself when he encounters the rebellious, and beautiful, son of the parish parson.

So begins the hilarious and heart-breaking collapse of a well-ordered world. Hugh paints a sprawling canvas of 18th century England – a world of wig powder and heeled slippers, of connivers and blackmailers, in which the search for Liberty will require Hugh to redefine the rules of the game.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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