Download How to Beat Tomorrow by J Foster Ward (.ePUB)+

How to Beat Tomorrow (Last Real Man Book 1) by J Foster Ward
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 838KB
Overview: Sometime in the tomorrows after the 23rd century the world ended. Nobody knows how or when, but a small group of people saw it coming, and prepared for the end. Inside secret bunkers they stashed science, guns, robots and a supply of cloned bodies and trusted it all to a computer to wake them up when it was time to rebuild civilization.

In the future, every science fantasy had been realized: clones, androids, laser guns, genetically modified supermen and even animals gifted with the ability to walk upright and almost-human intelligence.

It all existed, and that was before cataclysmic disasters released biogenetic forces that created mutants, radiation made atomic superbugs, and worldwide computer viruses drove the robots insane.

Now, inside one secret bunker for the Tomorrow Program, cloned bodies are warmed up, filled with the consciousnesses of the volunteers and shoved naked into a mad world to save the bunker before intruders destroy it. Among them is Jacob Mortimer, only he doesn’t remember how or why he’s even there.

Jake Mortimer died in the early 21st century, but now somehow he’s back, and is the last, real man in the future.

Surrounded by 23rd century idiots who never had to work a day in their life, are too politically correct to save their own species, and in severe addiction withdrawal from the 23rd century version of the internet, Jake finds himself the only one who can save the bunker, the mission, and maybe the whole world.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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