Download Hound Dogged by Rebecca Hendricks (.ePUB)

Hound Dogged by Rebecca Hendricks (Hound Dogs Series, Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 669 kb
Overview: It’s 1958 and Rock & Roll is in full swing. Five friends will be tested as they start a band in this challenging music scene …

Sharing a love of music, John and a group of unexpected high school friends start a band called The Hound Dogs. At first, it’s all fun and games. But things get serious when free spirits clash and goals change.

The rivalry between band members leads to a gig the band isn’t ready for. Faced with total failure, a new friend joins the band, catapulting the group to a new level. But this new level brings its own challenges, including a rival band that’s not afraid to play dirty to be the best.

When the two bands clash, do The Hound Dogs have what it takes to pull out the win? Will their love of music be enough to bring them together to fight for their rights?
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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