Download Hotel Moonshine series by Andaleeb Wajid (.ePUB)

Hotel Moonshine series by Andaleeb Wajid (1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 576kb
Overview: Andaleeb Wajid is a Bangalore based author. She has written several novels and she enjoys writing for young adults as well as adults. She’s also a facilitator at creative writing workshops with Sajita Nair.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


1.An Evening to Remember
Two strangers. One memorable evening. Nothing will be the same again.
Part owner of Hotel Moonshine, a small but charming hotel in a hill station in South India, Dhruv’s life is all about family and work until he meets Nayantara on a work trip to Bangalore. A passionate one-night stand that feels like more, disintegrates in the cold light of morning and the misunderstandings it brings. Dhruv leaves her while she’s still sleeping hoping never to see her again.

And then the world went into lockdown in 2020 and that one night is nothing but a distant memory, both treasured and reviled.

When the world finally opens up again, a writer checks into Hotel Moonshine. Nayantara is unable to write her dream book just as she’s unable to forget the man who inspired it. She hopes Moonshine and its surly owner will help with her writer’s block. But while the words are flowing, Dhruv only moves further away from her.

Will Nayantara and Dhruv be able to move past their misunderstandings to find the magic beneath? Or is their story destined never to be more than an evening that neither of them can forget?

2.A Night to Cherish
wo friends. One unforgettable night. Nothing will never be the same again.

Sitara is known to everyone for the cheer, light and beauty she exudes. But no one is aware of the dark despair that lives within her. While her twin, Dhruv might guess at it, he doesn’t know its true depths. Because Sitara, has lost almost everyone she loves and she refuses to lose anymore. To do that, all she has to do is not love anymore…

Until the day, Dhruv lets slip that her friend Naveen feels more than just friendly towards her.

Naveen has loved Sitara for years, but fear of losing her friendship has kept him from making a move. Until Dhruv nudges them together in one random moment. And the unthinkable happens…Naveen ends up in Sitara’s bed for one unforgettable night of passion.

But when morning comes, Sitara is gone, taking with her the hope for a future together. Naveen wants to wait for her but family and duty come in the way of his love’s destiny. Can Sitara fight her fear of loss to give her love for Naveen a chance? Will Naveen be able to do right by his family and his heart?

Or are the two of them destined to only love each other from afar?

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