Download Horrific History by Robert Helmbrecht + (.ePUB)

Horrific History by Robert Helmbrecht (see full list of authors below)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 418 KB
Overview: What really sank the Titanic? Why do we really celebrate Thanksgiving? Did someone really raise the dead 2,000 years ago? Evil has lurked behind the scenes since the dawn of time. Read the story behind the stories, and you’ll never look at history the same way again.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Horror


Stories include:

The Feast, by Tara Fox Hall
Securing the Empire, by Jay Wilburn
Medieval and Renaissance Horror
Lindisfarne, by Rebecca L. Brown
Skraelings, by Rose Blackthorn
A Funeral Pyre for a Jarl, by Jason Andrew
The Vercelli Book, by Gwendolyn Edward
The Blackest Rite, by D. Alexander Ward
Giving Thanks, by Ken MacGregor
Lightning, by Monette Bebow-Reinhard
Valley of the Dead Trees, by T. Fox Dunham
Reaper, by Aaron J. French
Skin of Blue and Grey, by Christian A. Larsen
The Fires of Hell and Avondale, by Julianne Snow
Teedie and the Night Drive, by Doug Murano
10 Weeks, by David Williamson
Prettiest Things, by Emerian Rich
Fireweed, by Lynne MacLean
Ship of Nightmares, Ship of Dreams, by Brent Nichols
Winds of War, by Brent Abell
Mud, by Pete Aldin
Turning the Clock Back, by Jenny Twist
Under Azraelā€™s Banner, by Lee Clark Zumpe
Dust, by Cameron Suey
Dark Waters, by Stephen D. Rogers
Scion, by Deborah Drake
Lucan, by Adam Millard
Junior LeBlanc and Katrina, by Douglas J. Moore

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