Download Holly Hold On Tight Part 2 A Hotwife Finale by Parker Pascal (.ePUB)

Holly Hold On Tight (Part 2): A Hotwife Finale by Parker Pascal
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 495 KB
Overview: Crossing the line was only the beginning …

Ever since he encouraged his wife to give in to temptation, Julian’s had one regret: He didn’t see it with his own eyes. With nothing to go on but the scraps Holly throws him—details that seem to change slightly with every telling—he’s left in a state of wonder. Literally. When he turns to the one person who might understand his new obsession, Julian gets a crash course in the breathtaking potential of his fantasy. But is he ready to see Holly like that?

Ever since Holly let her hands wander over her strapping young specimen of a patient, she’s had only one regret: Not going nearly far enough. Now it’s her mind that won’t stop wandering. As lust permeates her fitful dreams, she worries if she’s blown her shot with Lance. But is someone else wise to her unlikely secret? When she reaches out for answers, Holly finds that her desires run even deeper than she knew. And, as it turns out, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

It’s not easy, for either of them, surrendering to something this forbidden. Especially not for a nurse, mom, and wife with a great life built around structure, temperance, and sacrifice. This couple has a lot to hold on to. Can Julian take the heat if Holly lets it all go?

Simmering secrets will keep you holding on to find out!
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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