Download His Muse by Twyla Turner (.ePUB)+

His Muse by Twyla Turner
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.2MB | Retail
Overview: A mysterious email with a link to her mother’s memoir has found its way into Kari’s inbox at a time when she needs her mother most. Unfortunately, Kari pushed her away several years ago. Now, finding herself in eerily similar shoes as her mother, Kari is finally ready to hear her side…

Mid-Life Crisis or Mid-Life Awakening?Taryn uproots the life she’s always known to start over in the South of France. Soon finds the eyes of an irresistibly sexy French artist with the soul of a poet, are surprisingly fixed upon her. But why? However, she cannot deny nor resist her overwhelming attraction to him. He has a touch that sets her soul on fire, but can she risk it all after having her heart shattered in the past? Can she let go to blossom under his skilled, paint-stained hands? And even if she does, he has dreams of a life she can’t possibly give him. Can she be selfless enough to let him go so he can have the full life she knows he desires? And what will become of her, of her heart, if she does?Find out in the sensual, heartbreaking, and bittersweet story with an HEA guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings in…
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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