Download His Moody Mountain Man by Shiloh Swift (.ePUB)

His Moody Mountain Man by Shiloh Swift (Grumpy Guys and Sunshine Boys #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 267 KB
Overview: I’m a man who doesn’t need anything from anyone…until Milo brightens my world.

I’m the unapologetic grump of my hometown and the only bachelor left on the mountain. I don’t date. I’ve been burned before by gossip and I learned my lesson: don’t get involved.
The only company I keep is my loyal rescue dog, Pumpkin, but my stubborn solitude is interrupted when my new neighbor moves in.
Milo is a hapless city slicker with a shady past eclipsed by his cheery attitude. With his uppity optimism and youthful pride about being gay, I can tell we’re nothing alike. Yet my gruff demeanor does nothing to chase away his smile.
When a blizzard hits, I’m left with more than my emotional walls broken. The literal roof of my cabin caves in. With nowhere else for me and Pumpkin to go, Milo invites us to stay with him until I finish the repairs.
Hope Peak might be a sleepy town, but Milo’s sunny face and sweet mouth have awakened something in me. Milo has opened up his new home to me…can I open up my grizzled heart to him?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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