Download Hippy Gourmet’s Quick and Simple Cookbook by Bruce Brennan (.ePUB)

The Hippy Gourmet’s Quick and Simple Cookbook for Healthy Eating by Bruce Brennan, ‎James Ehrlich
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5 MB
Overview: Cooking the Hippy Way: It’s as Simple as Following Your Pleasure

Bruce Brennan, the host of the hit PBS show The Hippy Gourmet, travels the globe sampling local, healthy cuisines. The show is a global sensation, airing across the U.S. and in-flight international airlines such as Lufthansa and Swiss Air. Now in a cookbook packed with over 150 recipes, Bruce shows how you can make these easy, delicious dishes using freshly-grown ingredients, in your own home. His vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian meals will transform your eating experience–and change the world for the better, one meal at a time. Don’t miss:
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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