Download Highly Recommended by Paul M. Rand (.ePUB)+

Highly Recommended: Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth and Social Media to Build Your Brand and Your Business by Paul M. Rand
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 6.6 Mb
Overview: Reach more customers and grow your business with today’s most powerful marketing tool: Word-of-Mouth “Highly Recommended” shows the impact of customer recommendations on businesses–transforming how people buy, how you reach customers, how you improve products, and ultimately how you can grow your company by leveraging the power of recommendations. It explains why word-of-mouth recommendations are marketing’s “holy grail,” how to get people talking, who gives recommendations, where recommendations occur, what it takes to build a recommendable brand, and how to instill WOM into every aspect of a business and at the center of any marketing mix.

Paul M. Rand is the founder, President and CEO of Zocalo Group, one of the world’s leading word of mouth and social media marketing agencies and one of the fastest growing companies inside Omnicom Group, the 2nd largest global advertising and marketing holding company. He also serves at the Chief Digital Officer for Ketchum, a leading global
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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