Download High Water by Richard Bissell (.ePUB)(.AZW3)(.MOBI)

High Water by Richard Bissell
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.3MB
Overview: I came to it through Elmore Leonard, who had this to say about Richard Bissell: “Richard Bissell influenced my style more than any other writer with the exception of Ernest Hemingway. It’s a fact that I learned to write studying Hemingway, inspired and encouraged by a style that appeared easy to imitate… About the time I realized Hemingway’s views of life in general and mine weren’t compatible I discovered Richard Bissell and heaved a great sigh of relief. Look–his work said–you can keep it simple, be specific, sound authentic, even ungrammatical if you want, and not act as though your words are cut in stone.”

And here’s what he says about this book, High Water, which serves as an excellent description of what you’re in for: “Bissell’s skill in bringing the reader onto that towboat and into the messroom and out on the barges is the book’s strength. But it’s also a good story that builds with the rising water, dangers faced and Duke falling in love with a girl they rescue from the rook of a flooded fishing camp. It’s high adventure told low-key, not the least bit plotty, with Bissell maintaining his riverman’s tone throughout. High Water was published more than fifty years ago but I swear it holds up. A few of the odd expressions might be dated, but for the most part the sound is regional rather than recently archaic.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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