Download Hide Your Crazy Series by T. A. Hardenbrook (.ePUB)

Hide Your Crazy Series by T. A. Hardenbrook (Books 1 & 2)
Requirements: Epub Reader, 284kb/231kb
Overview: My mind tends to think i’m one giant walking story book, writing is a passion and stories are the way to my heart!
Genre: Romance


Hot Southern Mess
My mother always said, “You need to act like a lady if you are ever going to be the perfect wife.” Well, that would require me to first become ‘lady like’, and then sell my soul to the devil. Down south, women were groomed to be the perfect trophy wives. One must be the total package, in order to catch a man that had sort of social ranking at the country club. To my parents and sister’s dismay, being sold off to the highest bidder in society wasn’t the life for me.
Hi I’m Molly, and anything but the southern belle type. My hair isn’t blonde and I don’t wear dresses. My shoe selection consists of my favorite chucks, and I’m lucky that I shower daily. I bite my nails and play guitar, and well my makeup regimen involves the very basics. I don’t hold any pageant titles and I’m entirely too awkward at social gatherings.
So what does one do when her younger sister finds the man of her dreams and gets married? You suck it up and put on that horrible bridesmaid dress, and explain to everyone that you are perfectly content on living alone for the rest of your life. Then, you get the hell out of there.
I just want to play my music and live my life, free of sparkles and crowns. Being twenty-five and not married wasn’t the end of the world, in reality, it is just the beginning. I am not going to worry about finding “the one” till it finds me. One afternoon I walked right into all six-foot-three rock star of it, shit.
Hi, my name is Molly, and I’m a complete Hot Southern Mess.

Cheap and Classy
Hi, I’m Molly, and I’m still a complete and utter mess. Sure, I finally got away from all the sparkles of my past; but glitter is like herpes. No matter how far I ran from it, it still showed up everywhere in my life. In order to survive in my chaotic and messed reality, I needed to set some ground rules for myself.
1. Kick Ass
2. Take Names
3. Forget the Past
4. Move On.
Sounds simple, right? Wrong.
There was a huge, gigantic, Godzilla sized problem that lurked in my life.
Reid Chambers.
Yep, someone shoot me now.
You thought book one was crazy; well let me present ‘Cheap and Classy’.

Download Instructions:
Book 1:

Book 2:

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