Requirements: 2.3 and up
Hide all kinds of pictures, audios, videos or folders in seconds! Fast and reliable!
Password setting to prevent others from using this app.
You can enable the password on the Settings by checking the option 'Enable Password' and set your password through 'Change Password'.
12 languages supported.
No ads!
Important Noticeļ¼
1. Android 4.4(KitKat) no longer allows changing the files on the external sdcard, so if you encounter problems when hiding files on the external sdcard, please move those files to /*your external sdcard path*/Android/data/com.tonado.boli.hermit.hiderpro before hiding.
2. If you want to uninstall the app, please make sure to restore all the hidden files you moved into /*your external sdcard path*/Android/data/com.tonado.boli.hermit.hiderpro.
3. If you want to update your Android devices to a newer version, it is better to restore all the hidden files first.
Hide any file(Pictures, Audios, Videos and etc.) or folder you don't want anyone else to see.
Hidden Pictures and Videos will disappear from your gallery and video player IMMEDIATELY after you hide them and will appear again once you unhide them.
UNLIMITED version that allows you to hide as many files as you want.
Password protection to protect the app itself to prevent others from using this app.
Hide files and folders.
Fast and reliable. Hide folders in seconds.
Clean,smooth and intuitive UI to help you easily hide files and folders.
Easy to manage all the hidden items and toggle the status between hidden and unhidden.
Password protection to ensure your privacy.
How to hide and restore files?
Please refer to the detailed help by pressing the MENU button and selecting the Help menu.
I hided some files and uninstalled this app, will my hidden files get lost?
No. The hidden files are still stored secretly and safely somewhere on your phone and you can re-install this app again any time when you want to restore them. NOTHING WILL GET LOST!