Download Heretic Spellblade Series by K.D. Robertson (.ePUB)

Heretic Spellblade Series by K.D. Robertson (1-6)
Requirements.ePUB reader, 2.7 mb
Overview: I’m a fantasy author with a love for complex magical worlds, particularly with an adult flavor.
Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

1. Heretic Spellblade
Before the demons invaded, Nathan had everything he ever wanted. Women, power, magical talent, wealth, a fortress full of loyal soldiers.
Now, a beautiful demonic general offers him a choice: die; or start a new life with her in the past and rewrite history. Nathan accepts and is sent back in time to before the end of the world began.
Everything Nathan earned in his original life is gone. But he still has his years of knowledge and experience. Even better, he knows what will happen in the future. He doesn’t know why the demons sent him back, but he refuses to waste this opportunity.
Nathan will take back everything he once had. But first, he must stop a demonic invasion from ending the world.

2. Heretic Spellblade 2
Changing history is harder than it appears. Every time Nathan thinks he has stopped a world-ending war, he learns that somebody is trying to start it again. But once this is over, he’ll be free to relax and spend some quality time with his Champions.
As the war heats up, Nathan finds himself caught up in the schemes and fluffy tails of one of his former Champions, Narime. More figures from his past intrude, including a dark elf with a twisted personality and a princess who makes Nathan question his memories.
Behind everything, Kadria lurks alongside the other Messengers. Nathan finds himself buried in politics and at risk of losing everything should his heretical alliance with her be discovered.
In the end, the risk is worth it. Because the reward is to get back everything that Nathan lost.
Heretic Spellblade contains plenty of violence, harem/undefined relationships, beast girls, and scenes that don’t fade to black. Consider yourself warned.

3. Heretic Spellblade 3
The time for secrets is coming to an end. Nathan has changed history and stopped the end of the world, but the future is more uncertain than ever.
Conquering the Federation has turned Nathan into a national hero, but also earned him countless enemies. The peace he has won looks short-lived. The Empire is fracturing around him as nobles fight over the throne. Civil war looms.
Further north, the dark elves investigate the incident that nearly destroyed their ancient metropolis. Nathan finds himself dragged into dark elf politics, and sandwiched between Nurevia and Astra, two beautiful dark elf Champions who are old friends and rivals.
Nathan’s dark pact with the demonic Messengers will be the key to preventing the world from falling apart. He just needs to protect everyone he cares about in the process.
Heretic Spellblade contains plenty of violence, undefined relationships, beast girls, and scenes that don’t fade to black.

4. Heretic Spellblade 4
Civil war rages, but more than one crown is up for grabs. Nathan’s preparations are being tested as all his enemies converge on him at once, including those he didn’t know he had.
To win, Nathan will need to step further along the path of a heretic. He has tamed a pair of demonic Messengers and learned forbidden magic, but his opponents grow in power and number with each victory. While he has the support of his loving Champions, will the world judge him as kindly?
All the while, complex schemes simmer elsewhere in the world. A beastkin obsessed with Nathan claims to be a prophet. Foreign nations meddle in the Empire and prepare to invade. And the unfathomable being behind the Messengers weaves chaos into everything.
Will victory come at an impossible cost?
Or will Nathan finally break the loop of history and craft a new future?
Heretic Spellblade contains plenty of violence, undefined relationships, beast girls, and scenes that don’t fade to black.

5. Heretic Spellblade 5
A cold dawn rises after a civil war, but far worse lurks over the horizon. Nathan barely finishes burying friends before he must rally a furious, discordant nation around a new empress and stem the tide of holy war.
Two prophets fight for the hearts and minds of a desperate, divided populace. The Empire’s greedy nobles posture for pride and territory while Traufaumh’s priests dither and their inquisitors brutalize from the shadows. Amid all this, the demonic Messengers grow in power, threatening to destroy Doumahr overnight.
Nathan struggles to prevent the collapse of everything he’s fought to protect. While he stands at the peak of his power, he can’t bludgeon foreign rulers into submission. Saving the world requires him to work with allies he can’t trust, who often come with a few skeletons in the closet.
And he may soon learn that even choosing the lesser evil involves paying a high price. One he may not be willing to pay.

6. Heretic Spellblade 6
As the world plunges into chaos, Nathan knows that he has only one shot to save it. He barely fended off the demonic Messenger Artemis, but now Trafaumh faces an invasion from without and open rebellion from within. If it falls, all of Doumahr goes with it.
But saving a country comes with hard decisions. He’s turned a blind eye to Trafaumh’s atrocities in the past. With the Inquisition on the verge of collapse, Nathan can remove some of the worst people from power. The cost may be paid in the lives of innocents, however. The Inquisition are as efficient at slaying demons as they are brutal, and he may need their power.
He’s not the only person trying to claim Trafaumh. Nathan’s former homeland of Falmir has finally forced a confrontation with rest of the world. They will not turn back.
Nathan has been preparing for this. This is his ultimate test since turning back the pages of history.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 7th October 2023. Thanks to Pohahi28)

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