Download Her Secret Protector by Roxanne Snopek (.ePUB)

Her Secret Protector by Roxanne Snopek (Secrets of Cherry Lake #3)
Requirements: ePUB reader, 1.3 Mb
Overview: Naked pictures never die…

A private photograph, taken long ago and far away, has come back to haunt good, sweet Carrie Logan, Cherry Lake’s family photographer. For help containing this secret and the scandal it will cause, Carrie turns to Ethan Nash, the reclusive guy with the big dogs and bad attitude.

The big, bad cyber-security specialist takes one look at the photo of young Carrie, dancing in her altogether, and it knocks the stuffing out of him. He’s pretty sure she’s hooped – once something’s on the internet, it’s there forever, baby – but he has to try and help her anyway.

But it turns out that he needs her help far more than she needs his.
Genre: Contemporary Romance


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