Download Her Husband’s Secret by Brooklyn Bates (.ePUB)

Her Husband’s Secret by Brooklyn Bates (Small Town #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 194 KB
Overview: A kidnapped child. A strange father. A confused wife. Something doesn’t add up.

A military veteran returns to small town America, acting as a consultant in a kidnapping case, looking into strange coincidences one mother hasn’t been able to piece together.

Helping others in dire circumstances comes naturally to this former covert ops specialist, and it fills the void he feels from being booted out of the military for reasons he doesn’t agree with. But he agrees this civilian kidnapping case doesn’t add up. When he digs deeper he soon finds untangling a web from his past is the only way to ensure the future of the kidnapped child.

But after his most recent injury does he have the self-confidence to do what needs to be done…and to do it alone? And does he have confidence the child’s mother is telling him everything she knows? And is he the only one who doesn’t seem to know he’s falling for her?

But is she protecting a secret, filling his head with more doubts than answers? Or is she saving the answer to his biggest question…for last?
Genre: Mystery


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