Download Her Daring Duke by Sky Purington (.ePUB)

Her Daring Duke by Sky Purington (A Second Time Brides Spin-off)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 295 kB
Overview: How daring will her duke be in a game of forbidden love?

Lady Isabella Stanton wants nothing to do with marriage yet desires a dalliance with a certain unattainable duke. With that in mind, hoping he might participate, she creates a game of dares that challenges pre-selected acquaintances to compete for an entire day of her company.

The Duke of Leinster is committed to a prearranged marriage but cannot stop thinking about his lovely friend, Isabella. So, when she writes to him about a precarious game she intends to play, he heads to MacLauchlin Castle to protect her good name. Yet, instead, he ends up participating not just in her game of dares but in a challenge that very much tempts him with forbidden love.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Historical


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