Download Her Damaged Heart, His Treasure by Courtney Irving (.ePUB)

Her Damaged Heart, His Treasure by Courtney Irving
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 412 KB
Overview: Lauren Smith is no stranger to pain. Forced to live in a world full of judgement, violence, and death, she’s been dealt one bad hand after the next. When it comes to love, she constantly stumbles, having yet to blissfully fall – until she met Malachi Clark.

An up and coming musician, Malachi Clark, is far from picture perfect, but he doesn’t pretend to be. With the heart of a lion, he pursues everything that matters to him with focus and passion, including Lauren Smith. Even if she won’t make it easy, he’s determined to knock down every wall she’s built.

Lauren and Malachi embark on a journey filled with pleasure, uncovering pain, and the discovery of trust when fueled by the heart.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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