Download Hell and High Water by Domino Finn (.ePUB)

Hell and High Water by Domino Finn (Summoner For Hire Book 2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 641 kb
Overview: You think your boss is a hard-ass… Mine’s from the pits of Hell.
My name’s Shyla Crowe and I’m a procurement specialist. That’s a fancy way of saying I steal things. I’m also a demon summoner, and… well… there’s nothing fancy about that.
You need to watch yourself around hellions. Case in point: I’m currently paying for my father’s sins. The Angel of the Abyss has me firmly under his thumb, profiting from my dishonest work. Millions of dollars and score after score aren’t enough to sate his ambition.
Now his eyes are on a new prize, and pulling off the heist will take the combined efforts of my team and then some… In from the cold walks Cisco Suarez, a necromancer with an ax to grind. As if my troubles aren’t bad enough, he thinks I owe him.
I’m a practical gal so the plan’s simple. Keep the boys from butting heads and hope neither of them gets me killed… or worse. Hell is, after all, notorious for inspired punishment.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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