Download Heart River Valley: Rugged Mountain Men series by Cindy Smoke (.ePUB)

Heart River Valley: Rugged Mountain Men series by Cindy Smoke (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 125 KB
Overview: Cindy Smoke is a southern girl who loves to write super SPICY romance stories, but no one tell her mother-in-law that!

She spends her time between Atlanta and the North Carolina mountains, with trips to the beach made as often as possible! She lives with her own tall, dark, and handsome alpha, two sweet kiddos, and a floof.

All books are guaranteed to have lots of HEAT, no cheating, over-the-top alphas, and happily-ever-afters!
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Colton (#1)
When a rugged mountain man makes a delivery for his sister’s bakery, he never expects to meet the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. She’s young and sweet and everything he never knew he wanted. But now she’s the only thing he can think about.


It was supposed to be a quick visit to see my sister in Montana. Who would have thought I’d find the hottest mountain man a girl could ask for right at her front door? The way he looks at me sends a thrill down my spine. I can’t stay away from him, even if I wanted to.

Maybe it’s just chemistry, but it feels like so much more.


I could barely catch my breath when she opened the door. There’s something about her that’s different. I’ve never met another woman like her. It’s more than just her beauty. I need her. I crave her. I don’t care that she’s younger or that she’s just visiting. I knew the moment I saw her.

I’ll do whatever it takes to win her heart.

Damien (#2)
When a rugged mountain man who doesn’t believe in love meets the sassy and beautiful interior designer who is immune to his usual charms, sparks fly. And not just from the fire crackling in the hotel suite they were both assigned to by mistake.


I’m so excited to visit Montana for the first time! I can’t wait to take in the scenic views: breathtaking mountains, crystal clear rivers, a hot guy who keeps taking his shirt off…wait. What?

Hold on. I didn’t come here to meet a guy. The opposite, actually. But the way he keeps looking at me when he thinks I don’t notice makes my heart race and my knees weak.

Why am I fighting this so hard? He’s the opposite of what I thought I wanted. But he might be everything that I need.


No woman has ever held my interest for long. I never thought I’d find one that could. But from the moment I walked into my hotel suite and saw her standing there, I knew my life would never be the same.

She’s fighting whatever this is between us, even though I can see in her eyes she wants it too. I won’t stop until she understands what I already know for certain: She’s the only one for me.

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