Download Healing Our Pack by C.L. Wyer (.ePUB)

Healing Our Pack by C.L. Wyer (Arcane Valley 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 621 kb
Overview: She is the Omega, the weakest member of her pack.

Tayen has been trying to protect the members of her pack for years. After a failed attempt to kill the Alpha herself, a new Alpha takes over. After years of abuse and torment, can her pack learn to trust a new Alpha?

One of the strongest Alphas in existence, but is he strong enough to bring his pack back from the brink?

After finally getting revenge for his family’s murders, Ian becomes the Alpha of what used to be the Sinclair pack. The Lycans in his pack are skittish, malnourished creatures who need help. Is he strong enough to lead them to a better life?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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