Download Haunted House, Haunted Hearts by Kate Goldman (.ePUB)+

Haunted House, Haunted Hearts: A Ghostly Romance by Kate Goldman
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader 347 KB
Overview: Megan Emerson swore she’d never return home to Tanglewood, the crumbling Georgian house sitting in her hometown’s Historic District but after the NYC firm she works for is shut down for fraud AND her fiancé Roger leaves her at the altar rather than stand by her, she doesn’t have much choice in the matter.
Megan’s not prepared to deal with her suspicious and frightened neighbors, or her broken heart and dreams. She’s REALLY not ready to deal with Jack Dufresne, a smoking-hot restoration expert who’s working on the house across the street or the rush of desire she feels every time he gets near her.
Jack’s smile and rock hard-abs might make her heart and panties want to melt but there’s more reasons to say no to him than there are reasons to say yes. Her heart’s still broken for one. She’s scared of getting hurt again too.
Then there’s the biggest reason of all. The neighbors have every right to be afraid.
Tanglewood really IS haunted, and there’s an uneasy ghost that doesn’t want Jack and Megan to be together.
A ghost that’s killed before…
Genre: Romance


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