Download Hampstead Valley Gay Romance Series by Madalyn George (.ePUB)

Hampstead Valley Gay Romance Series by Madalyn George (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 743 KB
Overview: Madalyn is the author of romantic LGBTQIA happily ever afters (spoiler alert!).

Stories have been floating around in her head since she was a kid and she only recently learned that not everyone has a cast of characters throwing a party in their brain. She figured it was better to share these stories through works of fiction, as opposed to trying to introduce the characters to her family and friends. Be on the lookout for more tales from the Hampstead Valley universe.

Madalyn is a beach lover and a pop culture geek who spends most of her time working, mom-ing, reading and writing.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM

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Jamie’s Light (#1)
Thanksgiving weekend at home seemed like more of a chore than a celebration since my wife had died, but I would never begrudge my daughter the love and attention of our big crazy family just to wallow in self pity. I could always return to that next week.

Thanks to the fact that my best friend’s family literally lives five feet away from campus, I have a home to go to for Thanksgiving that doesn’t involve traveling clear across the county for a few short days. It’s an easy choice, since I’ll see my family in less than a month for winter break anyway.

When two strangers, one the older brother and the other the best friend, unexpectedly end up sharing the same bedroom, will a holiday they were both just looking to get through end up being the most important event of their lives?

Vance’s Congress (#2)
I knew the moment I saw him that he was something different, something special. The only problem with that was that everyone who met him thought the same thing.

He was meant to shine bright and all I wanted to do was hide in the shadows and write my book.

I know in my heart that means there’s no future for us.

I should just walk away now.

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