Download Guide to Getting Arts Grants by Ellen Liberatori (.ePUB)

Guide to Getting Arts Grants by Ellen Liberatori
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 742kb
Overview: An insider’s guide for artists and arts groups, including funding resources, examples, and how-to exercises.

More than 66,000 foundations give grants. This book helps artists get them. Artists and arts groups will find all they need to know to support themselves through grants and special projects. An expert guide written by an insider who’s been on both the grant-making and the grant-writing sides of the arts, it shows you how to assess your personal strengths and set goals to pursue your dreams.

Hands-on examples and how-to exercises are provided for every situation: from creating artists’ statements, to writing letters, fellowship applications, and arts-organization applications, to being ready for that all-important site visit. Online resources, tips on portfolio and personal prep, and information about the inner workings of boards and how to handle the yes, the no, and the maybe make this the complete guide to getting that arts grant.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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