Download Guarded Heart by Addison Carmichael (.ePUB)

Guarded Heart by Addison Carmichael (Guarded 2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 345 kb
Overview: It’s been a year since Andee Peter’s father unsuccessfully sent an assassin through the dimensional veil to hunt down and kill her on earth, and she’s been living incognito with her Guardian Prime boyfriend Mick Barron in Roundup, Montana ever since. Now her Iroment king father, Lydon tel-Mortem, kidnapped her foster sister with the threat to kill the little girl unless Andee crosses the divide and faces him on their home planet of Noma where his own power is strongest.
But in the process of sending her military guardian to rescue little Marie, Andee falls down the dimensional rabbit hole instead, landing in Noma—alone.
Not in the modern metropolis of Umbrey she aimed for either, but in the wilds of neutral territory.
There she’s captured by a band of rebels led by a young, attractive mountain man who’s determined to find out who this strange young woman really is. And Leotner c-Tallega doesn’t plan to release Andee until she divulges her true identity–tempting her in ways that makes her want to confess to all kinds of things she didn’t do.
Genre: Romance Paranormal


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