Download Ground Truth by Diane Capri (.ePUB)

Ground Truth by Diane Capri (Michael Flint #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1mb
Overview: Greta Campbell was lost at sea four years ago. Or was she?

Hanna Campbell is stunned to see her long dead sister mingling in a crowd on a televised news report.

Craving a second chance, Hanna hires Michael Flint, the man who boasts he can find anyone, anywhere, anytime – dead or alive.

Flint is off his game and Hanna’s sister is no ordinary missing person.

When Flint uncovers a series of heinous murders he learns one of the world’s most influential men is to blame.

But powerful men are dangerous and in his race to save Hanna, Flint must put his whole team in the crosshairs.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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