Download Grimoire Thief Volume 1: Hero’s Gambit by Atlas Kane (.ePUB)

Grimoire Thief Volume 1: Hero’s Gambit by Atlas Kane
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.4 MB
Overview: What would you sacrifice for the gift of magic? And if denied, would you steal it?

Ever since I was old enough to hold a blade, I knew I wanted to become a Magical Knight.

For years I trained, waiting for the day I would receive a grimoire of my own. But magic can neither be controlled nor predicted, and when it was my turn to take the test… I failed.

I’m Null, a person born without a core. With this, all my plans have been upended, and the future lies veiled in mystery. However, a chance encounter one evening challenges everything I’d come to believe.

As it turns out, I do possess a certain kind of magic. Powerful, rare, and a threat to the Mage Council, my newfound ability is one many would kill for. There’s just one catch…

I’ll have to become a thief in order to use it.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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