Download Goliath by Max Blumenthal (.ePUB)

Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel by Max Blumenthal
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.1 MB
Overview: Here is New York Times bestselling author MaxBlumenthal’s devastating journey through Israel and an anatomy of the extremisttakeover of a nation. What Blumenthal finds is a country overrun by extremists,where the Jewish Right has hijacked constitutional protections for bothminorities and dissidents. Blumenthal investigates the roots of these culturaland political shifts, as well as the American right-wing funders who arebankrolling Israeli extremism. He finds that the country US officials regard asthe only foothold of democracy in the Middle Eastwith which President Obamahas said "[our] bond is unbreakable"is teetering on the edge ofauthoritarianism.
Genre: Non Fiction History Politics


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