Gold Rush in the Jungle: The Race to Discover and Defend the Rarest Animals of Vietnam’s "Lost World by Dan Drollette Jr
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 10.8 MB
Overview: Deep in the jungle where the borders of Vietnam meet those of Laos and Cambodia is a region known as "the lost world." Large mammals never seen before by Western science have popped up frequently in these mountains in the last decade, including a half-goat/half-ox, a deer that barks, and a close relative of the nearly extinct Javan rhino. In an age when scientists are excited by discovering a new kind of tube worm, the thought of finding and naming a new large terrestrial mammal is astonishing, and wildlife biologists from all over the world are flocking to this dangerous region. The result is a race between preservation and destruction.
Genre: Nonfiction
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