Download Gods & Dragons by R.R. Hinson (.ePUB)

Gods & Dragons by R.R. Hinson
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 870 KB
Overview: Can a force exist outside of existence? Are there things within our world we cannot sense? Are there other realms beyond our reality?

Before there was light, before there was time, before there was anything, there was Oblivion. He is nothing yet everything to come. He is the most ancient, the most powerful, and the most terrifying nemesis of existence. After Persephone and Ares bring him back into existence, Apollo sacrifices Mount Olympus and the Underworld to slow his wrath. However, the more he consumes the more powerful he becomes, and it is only a matter of time before he comes for Earth and other worlds.

On the last safe-haven for mankind, a large island in the Indian Ocean, live a set of twins, Alexander and Dia. Dia suffers from horrific nightmares that seem to grow more realistic as she grows older. Her aunt, Dianna, who also suffers from the same kinds of nightmares, tells her they are visions of the future and the only way to cease them is by appeasing the gods.

After their mother dies and Dianna goes missing, the twins are unknowingly hurled into a perilous quest that brings the worst of Dia’s nightmares to life. Soon after, she discovers that she and Oblivion share a special connection. After Alexander and Dia find their way to a magical world of giants, dragons, and eternal sunshine, they both regain hopes of vanquishing Oblivion out of existence. An ancient dragon shares his ancient knowledge with her and helps unlock her true potentials. However, as the eternal darkness continues to grow closer, she realizes there is no hope for escape. No hope for existence. All will be lost and there will only be Oblivion.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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